
Particle.js not working on ReactJS website

I have been trying to implement Particles.js on my portfolio website but have been rather unsuccessful. These are the following lines of code I have run in my library to get it running:

npm install tsparticles

npm install react-particles-js

I have referred to and and went about including their code as they went about it but nothing seems to appear on my page.

Here's an image of my page right now: How my page looks right now

This is my code for the page:

import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import Particles from 'react-particles-js';

const Index_body = () =>{
            <div className="index_body">
                        "particles": {
                            "number": {
                                "value": 50
                            "size": {
                                "value": 3
                        "interactivity": {
                            "events": {
                                "onhover": {
                                    "enable": true,
                                    "mode": "repulse"

export default Index_body;

Hope you guys can help me out! Thanks!


  • in default Particles stroke color is white therefor i think you can't see partials . So try to change and see wrapping component background color or partial stroke color. you can change particle color with below code 👇

      "particles": {
        "number": {
          "value": 80,
          "density": {
            "enable": true,
            "value_area": 800
        "color": {
          "value": "#0030ff"