
SVN / Subversion 1.7 and Eclipse Subversive & JavaHL

I have just upgraded to TortoiseSVN 1.6.99, Build 21709, (Subversion 1.7.0, -dev). I am having problem in my Eclipse Subversive 0.7.9.I20100512-1900 & JavaHL 1.6.15. Have tried to update my Eclipse plugins. Anyone have an solution?

Error at Eclipse:

Share project was failed. Unsupported working copy format svn: The path 'XXX' appears to be part of a Subversion 1.7 or greater working copy. Please upgrade your Subversion client to use this working copy.


  • You are aware of the Subversion 1.7 state? It is currently a beta-2 state and not intended for production? Furthermore it couldn't work with the working copy, cause the working copy format of 1.7 has changed and it will not upgrade your working copy automatically. If you like to use 1.7-beta-2 you have to use the JavaHL version of Subversion 1.7-beta-2 instead of 1.6.X. The above mentioned is also true for TortoiseSVN, cause the version you mentioned is a BETA! (as explained on the TortoiseSVN site.