
How to unchecked RadioButton on ASP.NET/VB.NET

I have two radio buttons in ASP.Net as follows:

<dx:ASPxRadioButton ID="RB_Type" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" Theme="Office365" Text="Type of media" Font-Size="Medium"></dx:ASPxRadioButton>

<dx:ASPxRadioButton ID="RB_Date" runat="server" Theme="Office365" AutoPostBack="true" Text="Date" Font-Size="Medium" ClientInstanceName="RB_Date"></dx:ASPxRadioButton>

For example I want that when I select #RB_Type the #RB_Date radiobutton is unchecked and then if I click on #RB_Date the #RB_Type button is unchecked.

To do this I have the following code in VB.NET:

If RB_Type.Checked Then

    RB_Date.Checked = False

ElseIf RB_Date.Checked Then



But at runtime if I select RB_Type and then click on RB_Date then RB_Type will remain selected and RB_Date will be unchecked.

I would like to find a solution, thanks in advance.


  • You don't need any code at all. You should be setting the GroupName property of your RadioButtons to the same value for those controls that you want to work as a group. That group will then be inherently mutually-exclusive, i.e. checking one in the group will automatically uncheck any others.