I am making an application that transfers data between phones. how can I connect and accept a connection request from another device programmatically without MCBrowserViewController
I worked in multipeer connectivity framework and I hope I am able to help you.
Step 1:
You can use MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser for advertising yourself with your custom service-type like:
let advertiser = MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser.init(peer: *peerID*, discoveryInfo: *dict*, serviceType: *custom_service_type*)
set the delegate and start advertising yourself.
Step 2:
In other device , user MCNearbyServiceBrowser
let browser = MCNearbyServiceBrowser.init(peer: *peerID*,serviceType: *custom_service_type*)
set the delegate and start browsing for peer users.
Step 3:
When the browser finds some users in the same Wi-fi network and with same service type, you will get a delegate callback to
func browser(_ browser: MCNearbyServiceBrowser, foundPeer peerID: MCPeerID, withDiscoveryInfo info: [String : String]?)
Step 4:
Manually try connecting to the peer
browser.invitePeer(*peerID*, to: *session*, withContext: nil, timeout: 30)
Step 5:
In the first device, you will get a callback in delegate method saying that a peer device wants to connect
func advertiser(_ advertiser: MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser, didReceiveInvitationFromPeer peerID: MCPeerID, withContext context: Data?, invitationHandler: @escaping (Bool, MCSession?) -> Void)
call the completion handler with a true value and share your session
Here we don't need any user interaction. All are done programmatically(which is your requirement).