
Find and replace regex for identification number input mask

I would like help to create an input masking using find and replace regexes for the following use case:

The user types 11 digits of his identification number and the output will be formatted with this pattern:


First attempt

Find: (\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{2})

Replace: $1.$2.$3-$4

This only works after the user types all the 11 digits. However, I want the dots and dashes to appear while the user types.

Second attempt

Find: (\d{1,3})(\d{1,3})(\d{1,3})(\d{1,2})

Replace: $1.$2.$3-$4

As soon as the user types the fourth digit, but the result ends up being like this \d.\d.\d-\d

Third attempt

Find: (\d{3})(\d{0,3})(\d{0,3})(\d{0,2})

Replace: $1.$2.$3-$4

As soon as the user types the third digit, but the result ends up being like this \d\d\d\..-


A brief description of the code:

fun transformation(input: String, findRegex: String, replaceRegex: String): String =
    input.replace(findRegex.toRegex(), replaceRegex)

fun main() {
    val input = "01121212"
    val findRegex = """(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{2})"""

    val replaceRegex = """$1.$2.$3-$4"""
    val result = transformation(input, findRegex, replaceRegex)

Full code can be found here:


  • You can use

    fun transformation(input: String, findRegex: String, replaceRegex: String): String =
        input.replace("""\D+""".toRegex(), "").replace(findRegex.toRegex(), {
            it.groupValues[1].toString() + 
              (if (!it.groupValues[2].isNullOrEmpty()) ".${it.groupValues[2].toString()}"  else "") + 
              (if (!it.groupValues[3].isNullOrEmpty()) ".${it.groupValues[3].toString()}"  else "") + 
              (if (!it.groupValues[4].isNullOrEmpty()) "-${it.groupValues[4].toString()}"  else "")
    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        val input = "0112121234" // 011.212.123-4
        // val input = "011" //  011
        // val input = "01121212" // 011.212.12
        // val input = "011212" // 011.212
        // val input = "01121" //  011.21
        // val input = "0112" //  011.2
        val findRegex = """^(\d{3})(\d{1,3})?(\d{1,3})?(\d{1,2})?$"""
        val replaceRegex = """$1.$2.$3-$4"""
        val result = transformation(input, findRegex, replaceRegex)

    See the online Kotlin demo.


    The regex is


    See the regex demo. Details: