
JSONPatch escape slash '/' from JSONPatch+JSON

I've below JSON and I wanted to update few fields from it

        "process": "my-process",
        "pod": "some-pod",
        "org": "some-org",
        "config": {
            "version": "436_601_83.0.0",
            "path": "companyName/ccg",
            "description": "update the version",
            "dependencies": null

using postman PATCH API call with below JSONPatch payload API is working fine

        "path": "/config/version",
        "op": "replace",
        "value": "436_605_83.0.0"
        "path": "/config/description",
        "op": "replace",
        "value": "foo bar"

But, I want to implement same using Java .. I tried

JsonPatch jsonPatch = new JsonPatch(
                           new ReplaceOperation(JsonPointer.of("/config/version"),
                              new TextNode("436_605_83.0.0"))

It evaluates to :


This doc mentioned that we MUST use escape the characters with ~0 and ~1 but no luck yet, I escaped / using ~1 i.e. "~1config~1version" but it evaluates to "/~01config~01version"


  • I think the problem is in the JsonPointer definition. Please, try something like that instead:

    JsonPatch jsonPatch = new JsonPatch(
        new ReplaceOperation(
          // Note we should provide the different paths tokens here
          JsonPointer.of("config", "version"),
          new TextNode("436_605_83.0.0")

    Or, equivalently:

    JsonPatch jsonPatch = new JsonPatch(
        new ReplaceOperation(
          // Create the JsonPointer with the full path
          new JsonPointer("/config/version"),
          new TextNode("436_605_83.0.0")

    Please, see this test, it provides guidance about how to tactically build JsonPointers and the meaning of escaping reserved chars.