
A Star, Updating G Cost for Nodes

I have a somewhat working A* algorithm here. It can find a path to the destination, however, it is unable to update its path if a better one becomes available.

for example:

s = start
e = end
x = wall
. = path

it is doing this:

s......x   e
      .x  .
      .x .

and I want it to do this:

s .    x   e
   .   x  .
    .  x .
     . x.

What I need is for the tiles(nodes) to change their parent node to one with a lower G - cost if it is available. The struggle in implementing this is real.

Any help is greatly appreciated,


    map = [



""" make copy of dict in the function! """
tile_data = {}

class Tile:
    def __init__(self, pos, char):

        self.pos = pos
        self.char = char
        self.parent = None

        self.H = 0
        self.G = float('inf')
        self.F = 0

#Gen Tiles
for y in range(len(map)):
    for x in range(len(map[0])):
        char = map[y][x]
        tile = Tile((x,y), char)
        tile_data[(x,y)] = tile

def a_star(start, end, map):

    unchecked_tiles = []
    checked_tiles = []

    # set start position
    tile_data[start].parent = None
    tile_data[start].pos = start
    tile_data[start].G = 0

    while unchecked_tiles:

        #Get the tile with lowest F score
        current_tile = min(unchecked_tiles, key=lambda tile: tile.F)

        #move tile to checked list

        # If the End is found return the path of parent tiles
        if current_tile.pos == end:
            path = []
            while current_tile.parent is not None:
                # Sets current tile to parent tile
                current_tile = current_tile.parent

            for tile in path:
                print(tile, ": F = ", tile_data[tile].F, ": G = ", tile_data[tile].G, ": H = ", tile_data[tile].H)

            return path[::-1] # Return reversed path

        # Gets valid neighbors for current tile
        neighbors = []
        for dir in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1)]:
            #get tile pos
            neighbor = (current_tile.pos[0] + dir[0], current_tile.pos[1] + dir[1])

            #check if tile on map and is valid
            if 0 <= neighbor[0] < len(map[0]) and 0 <= neighbor[1] < len(map) and tile_data[neighbor].char == 'w' and tile_data[neighbor] not in checked_tiles:

                # Set parent for neighbors
                tile_data[neighbor].parent = current_tile

                # Add neighbor to lists

        for neighbor in neighbors:
            # Set G cost (14 for diagonal, 10 for othogonal move + parent.G cost)

            if tile_data[neighbor].pos[0] == current_tile.pos[0] or tile_data[neighbor].pos[1] == current_tile.pos[1]:
                tile_data[neighbor].G = 10 + current_tile.G
                tile_data[neighbor].G = 14 + current_tile.G
            if tile_data[neighbor].G < current_tile.G:
                current_tile.parent = tile_data[neighbor].parent

            # Set H cost (a**2 + b**2 = c**2)
            tile_data[neighbor].H = ((neighbor[0] - end[0]) ** 2) + ((neighbor[1] - end[1]) ** 2)

            # Set F cost (G + H)
            tile_data[neighbor].F = tile_data[neighbor].H + tile_data[neighbor].G




  • The problem was I was moving duplicate neighbors to "unchecked" tiles with incorrect G-costs. Anyhow here is a working A* algorithm :)


    map = [
    """ make copy of dict in the function! """
    tile_data = {}
    class Tile:
        def __init__(self, pos, char):
            self.pos = pos
            self.char = char
            self.parent = None
            self.H = 0
            self.G = 0
            self.F = 0
    #Gen Tiles
    for y in range(len(map)):
        for x in range(len(map[0])):
            char = map[y][x]
            tile = Tile((x,y), char)
            tile_data[(x,y)] = tile
    def a_star(start, end, map):
        unchecked_tiles = []
        checked_tiles = []
        # set start position
        tile_data[start].parent = None
        tile_data[start].pos = start
        tile_data[start].G = 0
        while unchecked_tiles:
            #Get the tile with lowest F score
            current_tile = min(unchecked_tiles, key=lambda tile: tile.F)
            #move tile to checked list
            # If the End is found return the path of parent tiles
            if current_tile.pos == end:
                path = []
                while current_tile.parent is not None:
                    # Sets current tile to parent tile
                    current_tile = current_tile.parent
                for tile in path:
                    print(tile, ": F = ", tile_data[tile].F, ": G = ", tile_data[tile].G, ": H = ", tile_data[tile].H)
                return path[::-1] # Return reversed path
            # Gets valid neighbors for current tile
            neighbors = []
            for dir in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1)]:
                #get tile pos
                neighbor = (current_tile.pos[0] + dir[0], current_tile.pos[1] + dir[1])
                #check if tile on map and is valid
                if 0 <= neighbor[0] < len(map[0]) and 0 <= neighbor[1] < len(map) and tile_data[neighbor].char == 'w' and tile_data[neighbor] not in checked_tiles:
                    if tile_data[neighbor] not in unchecked_tiles:
                        # Add neighbor to lists
                        # Set parent for neighbors
                        tile_data[neighbor].parent = current_tile
            for neighbor in neighbors:
                # Set G cost (14 for diagonal, 10 for othogonal move + parent.G cost)
                if tile_data[neighbor].pos[0] == current_tile.pos[0] or tile_data[neighbor].pos[1] == current_tile.pos[1]:
                    tile_data[neighbor].G = 10 + current_tile.G
                    tile_data[neighbor].G = 14 + current_tile.G
                if tile_data[neighbor].G < current_tile.G:
                    current_tile.parent = tile_data[neighbor].parent
                    if tile_data[neighbor].pos[0] == current_tile.pos[0] or tile_data[neighbor].pos[1] == current_tile.pos[1]:
                        current_tile.G = tile_data[neighbor].G + 10
                        current_tile.G = tile_data[neighbor].G + 14
                # Set H cost (a**2 + b**2 = c**2)
                tile_data[neighbor].H = ((neighbor[0] - end[0]) ** 2) + ((neighbor[1] - end[1]) ** 2)
                # Set F cost (G + H)
                tile_data[neighbor].F = tile_data[neighbor].H + tile_data[neighbor].G
