I am interested in plotting data on the city of Göteborg (in English Gothenburg, Sweden). I am starting with shapefiles of Sweden and then clipping them to concentrate my study in Göteborg.
# Extracting Göteborg boundary
boundary = adm_2.loc[(adm_2["NAME_2"] == "Göteborg")].copy()
246 222 SWE Sweden 21 Västra Götaland 247 Göteborg Kommuner Municipality None None MULTIPOLYGON (((12.09368 57.67838, 12.09466 57...
# Clipping the shapefiles
roads = geopandas.clip(roads_sweden, boundary)
buildings = geopandas.clip(buildings_sweden, boundary)
#roads.shape #(9747, 7)
#roads_sweden.shape #(148403, 7)
#buildings.shape #(1163, 4)
#buildings_sweden.shape #(15253, 4)
If I plot ALL the roads, i.e roads_sweden. I have plot of the rows of all Sweden. However, when trying to plot just the roads in Göteborg I get the error:
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed
I can't understand why while they look the same. I even attempted resetting the index but this seems unrelated.
For the plot I'm using:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10), facecolor='white', edgecolor='k')
boundary.plot(ax=ax, facecolor= "white", edgecolor="black", linewidth=.5)
Even when done individualy, i.e. roads.plot(), I get the error. roads_sweden.plot() always works fine.
Here's some preview of the data
osm_id name ref type oneway maxspeed geometry
0 1240 Klensmedsvägen None unclassified 0 0 LINESTRING (17.99027 59.29686, 17.99182 59.296...
1 1241 Hyvelvägen None residential 0 0 LINESTRING (17.99273 59.29666, 17.99212 59.295...
2 1242 Spikvägen None residential 0 0 LINESTRING (17.99353 59.29640, 17.99299 59.295...
3 1243 Bultvägen None residential 0 0 LINESTRING (17.99439 59.29617, 17.99385 59.295...
4 1245 Tångvägen None residential 0 0 LINESTRING (17.99691 59.29512, 17.99637 59.294...
osm_id name ref type oneway maxspeed geometry
0 3846609 None None motorway_link 1 0 LINESTRING (12.09100 57.67369, 12.09090 57.673...
1 4040303 E6 None motorway 0 0 LINESTRING (12.00496 57.84283, 12.00525 57.841...
2 4040436 None None motorway_link 1 0 LINESTRING (12.00643 57.79800, 12.00560 57.796...
3 4040439 None E 20 motorway 1 0 LINESTRING (11.99463 57.71530, 11.99492 57.715...
4 4040441 None E 20 motorway 1 0 LINESTRING (11.99520 57.71580, 11.99434 57.71536)
administrative areas (see area 2): https://www.diva-gis.org/datadown
roads and buildings: https://mapcruzin.com/free-sweden-arcgis-maps-shapefiles.htm
I traced the issue back to the road with index 125779
, which has these coordinates: [(11.8892841, 57.6579022), (11.8892841, 57.6579022)]
, so it is basically a point. When clipping, this geometry is converted to "LINESTRING EMPTY". Maybe it should instead convert this empty line to the corresponding Point, but anyway I guess a fix should be made in geopandas' plotting to ignore these empty lines instead of raising such an unclear error (feel free to submit an issue https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/issues).
In the meantime, you can plot your data by selecting only non-emtpy geometries: