
What is the best way to store a large list of Boolean values in x86 assembly?

Lately I have been working with large arrays that are full of boolean values. Currently, I store them in the .bss section with a .space directive, which allows me to create arrays of bytes. However, as I only need to store boolean values, I wish to read and write data bit-by-bit to and from an array.

Currently, the best way I can think of doing this is to have a .space directive with 1/8th the required storage, and use the ((1 << k) & n) formula to get and set individual bits, where k is the bit and n is the data, however this seems rather clunky, and I wish to know if there is a more elegant solution? Thanks. (Preferably in AT&T syntax)


  • For sparse bit sets (all true or all false with a few exceptions), you could store a set of indices, using any set data structure, including a hash table. You can of course manually implement any algorithm in asm, just like you could in C. There are probably some more specialized data structures suited for various purposes / use-cases.

    For a "normal" array of bools, your two main options are

    x86 bit-array aka bitstring instructions: slow with mem operands

    x86 does have bit-array instructions like bt (Bit Test) and bts (Bit Test and Set), also Reset (clear) and Complement (flip), but they're slow with a memory destination and a register bit-index; it's actually faster to manually index the right byte or dword and load it, then use bts %reg,%reg and store the result. Using bts assembly instruction with gcc compiler

    # fast version:
    # set the bit at index n (RSI) in bit-array at RDI
       mov  %esi, %edx           # save the original low bits of the index
       shr  $5, %rsi             # dword index = bit-index / 8 / 4
       mov  (%rdi, %rsi, 4), %eax   # load the dword containing the bit
       bts  %edx, %eax           # eax |= 1 << (n&31)   BTS reg,reg masks the bit-index like shifts
       mov  %eax, (%rdi, %rsi, 4)   # and store it back

    This effectively splits the bit-index into a dword-index and bit-within-dword index. The dword index is calculated explicitly with a shift (and turned back into a byte offset to an aligned dword with the scaled-index addressing mode). The bit-within-dword index is calculated implicitly as part of how bts %reg,%reg masks the count.

    (If your bit-array is definitely smaller than 2^32 bits (512 MiB), you can save a byte of code size by using shr $5, %esi, discarding the high 32 bits of the bit-index.)

    This leaves a copy of the old bit in CF, in case you care. bts reg,reg is single-uop on Intel, 2 uops on AMD, so definitely worth it vs. manually doing mov $1, %reg / shl / or.

    That's only 5 uops on modern Intel CPUs ( and, vs. 10 uops for bts %rsi, (%rdi) which does exactly the same thing (but without needing any tmp registers).

    You'll notice I used only dword chunks, not like in C where you'd often see code using unsigned long or uint64_t chunks so search could go fast. But in asm there's zero problem using different sized accesses to the same memory, except for store-forwarding stalls if you do a narrow store and then a wide load. Narrower RMW operations are actually better because it means operations on different bits can be closer together without actually creating a false dependency. If that's a major concern, you can even use byte accesses, except that bts and friends only go down to 16-bit word operand-size, so you'd have to manually and $7, %reg to extract the bit-within-byte from the bit-index.

    e.g. like so for reading:

    # byte chunks takes more work:
       mov  %esi, %edx      # save the original low bits
       shr  $3, %rsi        # byte index = bit-index / 8
       movzbl (%rdi, %rsi), %eax   # load the byte containing the bit
       and  $7, %edx
       bt   %edx, %eax      # CF = eax & 1 << (n&7)
       # mov  %al, (%rdi, %rsi)   if you used BTS, BTR, or BTC 

    Byte loads are best done with movzx (aka AT&T movzbl) to avoid writing a partial register.

    16-bit access width is the best best tradeoff

    bts works for 16, 32, and 64-bit operand-size, with 16-bit being the narrowest size where we can still get masking of the count for free to get bit-within-word. movzx loads on most CPUs are just as cheap as 32-bit loads.

    BMI2 shrx allows a copy-and-shift, but needs the count in another register. In a use-case like a Sieve of Eratosthenes where you're doing a lot of bit accesses, it's worth using one instruction outside the outer loop to save an instruction in the inner loop. (This is orthogonal to whether you use 32-bit or 16-bit chunks.)

    ; NASM syntax
    ; ahead of a loop
        mov     r13d, 4
    ; inside a loop
    ; set the bit at index n (ESI) in bit-array at RDI
        shrx    eax, esi, r13d      ; eax = j >> 4 = index of aligned word containing the bit.  Byte offsets would be worse, store-forwarding stalls as well as misalignment
        movzx   edx, word [rdi+rax*2]
        bts     dx, si              ; BTS reg,reg is fast and does the mod 16 part for free.
        mov     [rdi+rax*2], dx

    That's from a Sieve of Eratosthenes I was playing around with in NASM for x86-64 Linux ( for a basic bit-array including even numbers, for a bitmap of only the odd numbers, thus an extra right-shift count. Surprisingly not faster for many cases, perhaps only at cutoff points between cache sizes. Neither makes any effort to set multiple bits at a time with SIMD for small primes, or for better locality). I may eventually post an answer on this code-review Q&A where I commented

    Using word operand-size in my sieve gave a significant speedup, like 20% maybe for some smaller problem sizes IIRC, especially for the more densely packed bitmap (omitting even numbers) where setting every 3rd bit would mean a big chain of about 32/3 = 10.6 store/reloads for every dword before moving on to the next. Using narrower chunks allows about twice as much memory-level parallelism. (Although for larger strides, every access was to a different dword anyway, but with a sieve, the smaller the stride the more total accesses with that stride.)

    Thread-safe atomics

    If you needed to atomically set a bit (e.g. in a multi-threaded program), you could lock bts %reg, mem, or you could generate 1<<(n&31) in a register and lock or %reg, mem if you don't care what the old value is. lock bts is slow and microcoded anyway, so if you need atomicity you should probably just use it instead of trying to avoid the crazy-CISC bit-array semantics with lock or.

    In the multi-threaded case, there's even more reason to consider using 1 bool per byte so you can use just plain movb $1, (%rdi, %rsi) (which is guaranteed atomic and doesn't disturb its neighbours: Can modern x86 hardware not store a single byte to memory?), rather than an atomic RMW.