
Wizard, click in tab and redirect to it

I'm working with a wizard in primefaces, the behavior is the regular one, a few tabs, click next to go next, click back to go back, onflowproces, etc. The problem is that in certain cases you can enter to the page in read-only mode, and as in that case is unnecessary to pass every single step to reach a certain step, I want to find the way to click in the tab and redirect.

The wizard consists in 8 tabs, every single tab could be accessed adding the id of the tab in the url param, the only thing I have to do is find a way to click the tab and redirect to the url of the tab.

Is there a way to achieve this? thanks!


  • To make the name of the wizard as a link to their tab I override WizardRenderer like this:

        package myImportantPackage;  
        import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
        import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
        import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
        import org.primefaces.component.tabview.Tab;
        import org.primefaces.component.wizard.Wizard;
        public class WizardRenderer extends org.primefaces.component.wizard.WizardRenderer {
                protected void encodeStepStatus(FacesContext context, Wizard wizard) throws IOException {
                    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
                    String currentStep = wizard.getStep();
                    boolean currentFound = false;
                    writer.startElement("ul", null);
                    writer.writeAttribute("class", Wizard.STEP_STATUS_CLASS + " wizard-panels", null);
                    int i = 0;
                    for(UIComponent child : wizard.getChildren()) {
                        if(child instanceof Tab && child.isRendered()) {
                            Tab tab = (Tab) child;
                            boolean active = (!currentFound) && (currentStep == null || tab.getId().equals(currentStep));
                            String titleStyleClass = active ? Wizard.ACTIVE_STEP_CLASS : Wizard.STEP_CLASS;
                            if(tab.getTitleStyleClass() != null) {
                                titleStyleClass = titleStyleClass + " " + tab.getTitleStyleClass();
                            if(active) {
                                currentFound = true;
                            writer.startElement("li", null);
                            writer.writeAttribute("class", titleStyleClass, null);
                            if(tab.getTitleStyle() != null) writer.writeAttribute("style", tab.getTitleStyle(), null);
                            writer.startElement("a", null);
                            final String wiz = wizard.resolveWidgetVar();
                            writer.writeAttribute("href", "javascript:PF('"+wiz+"').loadStep(PF('"+wiz+"').cfg.steps["+i+"], false)", null);
                            if (tab.getTitletip() != null) writer.writeAttribute("title", tab.getTitletip(), null);

    And registered it in faces-config.xml, like this
