My problem is the following
I want to create variables e_1, e_2, e_3, ... , e_50 which are all composed of 100 draws from the uniform[-1,1]
This means e_1 is a vector of 100 draws from U[-1.1], e_2, .., e_50 as well.
Here is what I thought I could do :
periods <- c(1:50)
people <- c(1:100)
for (t in periods){
sprint('e_', t) <- runif(100, -1,1)
This did not work, and i am really not sure how to change it to obtain what I want.
Thank you so much for your help!!
It is better not to create objects in the global environment. Regarding the issue in the code, the assignment should be based on assign
for(t in periods) {
assign(sprintf('e_%d', t), runif(100, -1, 1))
An approach that wouldn't create multiple objects in the global env, would be to create a list
with replicate
lst1 <- replicate(length(periods), runif(100, -1, 1), simplify = FALSE)
names(lst1) <- sprintf('e_%d', periods)