I am trying to use Terraform to spin up a lambda function that uses source code in a github release package. The location of the package is:
This will allow me to manually create the AWS DataDog forwarder without using their Cloudformation template (we want to control as much of the process as possible).
I'm not entirely sure how to pull down that zip file for lambda functions to use
resource "aws_lambda_function" "test_lambda" {
filename = "lambda_function_payload.zip"
function_name = "datadog-forwarder"
role = aws_iam_role.datadog_forwarder_role.arn
source_code_hash = filebase64sha256("lambda_function_payload.zip")
runtime = "python3.7"
environment {
variables = {
DD_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN = aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.dd_api_key.arn
#This stops the Forwarder from generating enhanced metrics itself, but it will still forward custom metrics from other lambdas.
DD_S3_BUCKET_NAME = aws_s3_bucket.datadog_forwarder.name
I know that the source_code_hash
file name will change and the filename of the lambda function will change as well. Any help would be appreciated.
There is no build in functionality to download files from the internet in terraform. But you could relatively easily do that by using external data source. For that you would create a bash script that could use curl
to download your zip, open it up, inspect or do any processing you need. The source would also return data that you can use for creation of your function.
Alternative is to use null_resource with local-exec to curl
your zip file. But local-exec
is less versitile then using the external data source