
Oplog does not record operations within a transaction - MongoDb

If you run the below code, outside a transaction object will appear in the oplog as an insert operation but oplog will have no record of inside a transaction but they will be both saved properly to the collection.

I tried to look up the problem with no luck, although I was able to get a confirmation that in my mongodb server version, oplog will create a separate entry for each operation, although I don't get either the 4.0 style, nor the 4.2!

The Code

    const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');

    const dbName = "db-name";
    const collectionName = "collection-name";
    const dbUri = "mongodb+srv://<user>:<pass>@<cluster-url>/<db-name>?retryWrites=true&w=majority";
    const client = await new MongoClient(dbUri, { useUnifiedTopology: true }).connect();
    const db = client.db(dbName);
    const collection = db.collection(collectionName);

    const session = client.startSession();
    const transactionOptions = {
        readConcern: { level: 'snapshot' },
        writeConcern: { w: 'majority' }

    await collection.insertOne({ name: "outside a transaction" });
    await session.withTransaction(async () => {
        await collection.insertOne({ name: "inside a transaction" }, { session: session});
    }, transactionOptions);

    await session.endSession();
    await client.close();

Oplog Result

Query:{}).sort({$natural: -1}) Actual Count: 1 Expected Count: 2

      "name":"outside a transaction"


  • When I run this test on a MongoDB 5.0 (3-node replicaset) I see the two oplog entries...

    use local{ns: {$ne: ''}}).sort({ts: -1})

        lsid: {
          id: UUID("74450c89-04ca-441c-93b4-24472c833e98"),
          uid: Binary(Buffer.from("92e7f3b655ee46a4a10212cc1146f3a783e6f4266bef6b5699dbc5528be5177c", "hex"), 0)
        txnNumber: Long("1"),
        op: 'c',
        ns: 'admin.$cmd',
        o: {
          applyOps: [
              op: 'i',
              ns: 'nodetest.mycollection',
              ui: UUID("b6079273-b2de-49a4-b148-837b4ac2c95f"),
              o: {
                _id: ObjectId("60f74ca3601963e6c5ca02f2"),
                name: 'inside a transaction'
        ts: Timestamp(3, 1626819747),
        t: Long("95"),
        v: Long("2"),
        wall: ISODate("2021-07-20T22:22:27.714Z"),
        prevOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 0), t: Long("-1") }
        lsid: {
          id: UUID("92372b8e-89fd-48ff-ab2a-780520e97c39"),
          uid: Binary(Buffer.from("92e7f3b655ee46a4a10212cc1146f3a783e6f4266bef6b5699dbc5528be5177c", "hex"), 0)
        txnNumber: Long("1"),
        op: 'i',
        ns: 'nodetest.mycollection',
        ui: UUID("b6079273-b2de-49a4-b148-837b4ac2c95f"),
        o: {
          _id: ObjectId("60f74ca3601963e6c5ca02f1"),
          name: 'outside a transaction'
        ts: Timestamp(2, 1626819747),
        t: Long("95"),
        v: Long("2"),
        wall: ISODate("2021-07-20T22:22:27.367Z"),
        stmtId: 0,
        prevOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 0), t: Long("-1") }

    Same thing in MongoDB 4.4....

        "lsid" : {
            "id" : UUID("8d72b35a-a8d7-4ffd-a56a-1f2f02b944a5"),
            "uid" : BinData(0,"kufztlXuRqShAhLMEUbzp4Pm9CZr72tWmdvFUovlF3w=")
        "txnNumber" : NumberLong(1),
        "op" : "c",
        "ns" : "admin.$cmd",
        "o" : {
            "applyOps" : [
                    "op" : "i",
                    "ns" : "nodetest.mycollection",
                    "ui" : UUID("52fcd28a-9de8-45b0-966a-d1b869976d11"),
                    "o" : {
                        "_id" : ObjectId("60f74ead58cd50e7b5ec7e1c"),
                        "name" : "inside a transaction"
        "ts" : Timestamp(1626820269, 1),
        "t" : NumberLong(185),
        "wall" : ISODate("2021-07-20T22:31:09.111Z"),
        "v" : NumberLong(2),
        "prevOpTime" : {
            "ts" : Timestamp(0, 0),
            "t" : NumberLong(-1)
        "lsid" : {
            "id" : UUID("3985c2b0-1863-4718-8851-747ff8160045"),
            "uid" : BinData(0,"kufztlXuRqShAhLMEUbzp4Pm9CZr72tWmdvFUovlF3w=")
        "txnNumber" : NumberLong(1),
        "op" : "i",
        "ns" : "nodetest.mycollection",
        "ui" : UUID("52fcd28a-9de8-45b0-966a-d1b869976d11"),
        "o" : {
            "_id" : ObjectId("60f74eac58cd50e7b5ec7e1b"),
            "name" : "outside a transaction"
        "ts" : Timestamp(1626820268, 2),
        "t" : NumberLong(185),
        "wall" : ISODate("2021-07-20T22:31:08.912Z"),
        "v" : NumberLong(2),
        "stmtId" : 0,
        "prevOpTime" : {
            "ts" : Timestamp(0, 0),
            "t" : NumberLong(-1)

    MongoDB 4.2

        "ts" : Timestamp(1626820723, 2),
        "t" : NumberLong(501),
        "h" : NumberLong(0),
        "v" : 2,
        "op" : "c",
        "ns" : "admin.$cmd",
        "wall" : ISODate("2021-07-20T22:38:43.304Z"),
        "lsid" : {
            "id" : UUID("0df8170a-6700-4751-9c14-88651ec54f9b"),
            "uid" : BinData(0,"kufztlXuRqShAhLMEUbzp4Pm9CZr72tWmdvFUovlF3w=")
        "txnNumber" : NumberLong(1),
        "prevOpTime" : {
            "ts" : Timestamp(0, 0),
            "t" : NumberLong(-1)
        "o" : {
            "applyOps" : [
                    "op" : "i",
                    "ns" : "nodetest.mycollection",
                    "ui" : UUID("4c0507b2-8018-48d4-9f80-f2bb6bd227dd"),
                    "o" : {
                        "_id" : ObjectId("60f75073abc759e7f6d53ba6"),
                        "name" : "inside a transaction"
        "ts" : Timestamp(1626820723, 1),
        "t" : NumberLong(501),
        "h" : NumberLong(0),
        "v" : 2,
        "op" : "i",
        "ns" : "nodetest.mycollection",
        "ui" : UUID("4c0507b2-8018-48d4-9f80-f2bb6bd227dd"),
        "wall" : ISODate("2021-07-20T22:38:43.016Z"),
        "lsid" : {
            "id" : UUID("4983da87-0c9c-448b-8d54-50f3885ce9ce"),
            "uid" : BinData(0,"kufztlXuRqShAhLMEUbzp4Pm9CZr72tWmdvFUovlF3w=")
        "txnNumber" : NumberLong(1),
        "stmtId" : 0,
        "prevOpTime" : {
            "ts" : Timestamp(0, 0),
            "t" : NumberLong(-1)
        "o" : {
            "_id" : ObjectId("60f75072abc759e7f6d53ba5"),
            "name" : "outside a transaction"

    MongoDB 4.0

        "ts" : Timestamp(1626821049, 3),
        "t" : NumberLong(2),
        "h" : NumberLong("-7247099881451421420"),
        "v" : 2,
        "op" : "c",
        "ns" : "admin.$cmd",
        "wall" : ISODate("2021-07-20T22:44:09.560Z"),
        "lsid" : {
            "id" : UUID("984168e5-c1fd-47cd-9981-acae8585e3e9"),
            "uid" : BinData(0,"kufztlXuRqShAhLMEUbzp4Pm9CZr72tWmdvFUovlF3w=")
        "txnNumber" : NumberLong(1),
        "stmtId" : 0,
        "prevOpTime" : {
            "ts" : Timestamp(0, 0),
            "t" : NumberLong(-1)
        "o" : {
            "applyOps" : [
                    "op" : "i",
                    "ns" : "nodetest.mycollection",
                    "ui" : UUID("60acd457-0d98-4e06-8921-bf10d1bb63c7"),
                    "o" : {
                        "_id" : ObjectId("60f751b926f38ce856f9b08d"),
                        "name" : "inside a transaction"
        "ts" : Timestamp(1626821049, 2),
        "t" : NumberLong(2),
        "h" : NumberLong("6159503664626025226"),
        "v" : 2,
        "op" : "i",
        "ns" : "nodetest.mycollection",
        "ui" : UUID("60acd457-0d98-4e06-8921-bf10d1bb63c7"),
        "wall" : ISODate("2021-07-20T22:44:09.266Z"),
        "lsid" : {
            "id" : UUID("8f7d6590-8c7c-4819-9ce7-f69b92725c26"),
            "uid" : BinData(0,"kufztlXuRqShAhLMEUbzp4Pm9CZr72tWmdvFUovlF3w=")
        "txnNumber" : NumberLong(1),
        "stmtId" : 0,
        "prevOpTime" : {
            "ts" : Timestamp(0, 0),
            "t" : NumberLong(-1)
        "o" : {
            "_id" : ObjectId("60f751b926f38ce856f9b08c"),
            "name" : "outside a transaction"

    Not testing with 3.6 since it is no longer a supported version and never supported transactions anyways.

    I had to modify your example program to make it work, here is what I ran for a test...

    Modified Test Program

    const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
    const dbName = "nodetest";
    const collectionName = "mycollection";
    const dbUri = "mongodb://barry:????????@localhost:44011,localhost:44012,localhost:44013/nodetest?replicaSet=replSet&authSource=admin&retryWrites=true&w=majority";
    async function run() {
        const client = await new MongoClient(dbUri, { useUnifiedTopology: true }).connect();
        const db = client.db(dbName);
        const collection = db.collection(collectionName);
        const session = client.startSession();
        const transactionOptions = {
            readConcern: { level: 'snapshot' },
            writeConcern: { w: 'majority' }
        await collection.insertOne({ name: "outside a transaction" });
        await session.withTransaction(async () => {
            await collection.insertOne({ name: "inside a transaction" }, { session: session});
        }, transactionOptions);
        await session.endSession();
        await client.close();