I have a Hive table which is partitioned by partitionDate field. I can read partition of my choice via simple
select * from myTable where partitionDate = '2000-01-01'
My task is to specify the partition of my choise dynamically. I.e. first I want to read it from some table, and only then run select to myTable. And of course, I want the power of partitions to be used.
I have written a query which looks like
select * from myTable mt join thatTable tt on tt.reportDate = mt.partitionDate
The query works but looks like partitions are not used. The query works too long.
I tried another approach:
select * from myTable where partitionDate in (select reportDate from thatTable)
.. and again I see that the query works too slowly.
Is there a way to implement this in Hive?
update: create table for myTable
`theDate` string,
`partitionDate` string)
'spark.sql.create.version'='2.2 or prior',
If you are running Hive on Tez execution engine, try
set hive.tez.dynamic.partition.pruning=true;
Read more details and related configuration in the Jira HIVE-7826
and at the same time try to rewrite as a LEFT SEMI JOIN:
select *
from myTable t
left semi join (select distinct reportDate from thatTable) s on t.partitionDate = s.reportDate
If nothing helps, see this workaround: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56963448/2700344
Or this one: https://stackoverflow.com/a/53279839/2700344
Similar question: Hive Query is going for full table scan when filtering on the partitions from the results of subquery/joins