How do I create a predicate that takes another predicate and returns a derived version of it?
For example, pairwise predicates can be fairly mechanically extended to apply to lists:
all_whatever(_, []).
all_whatever(X, [Y|T]) :-
whatever(X, Y),
all_whatever(X, T).
What would be the definition of
pairwise_listwise(whatever, all_whatever).
If it's not possible/common/clunky/violates principles, what would be the alternative pattern?
There are two different ways to achieve what you want. The simplest, and likely preferred, way is to define a meta-predicate that takes any binary predicate and applies it to all elements of the list like so:
listwise(P,Y,[X|Xs]) :-
You can then call this as listwise(whatever, Y1, Xs1)
to apply whatever
to Y1
and each element of Xs1
This is made possible thanks to the call/N
meta-predicate. Note that this meta-predicate can also take partially constructed goals as first argument, so that an alternative formulation could be:
listwise(P,[X|Xs]) :-
Which is then called as listwise(whatever(Y1),Xs1)
. This version of the predicate is actually known as maplist/2
instead of listwise
, at least in SWI-Prolog (in module library(apply)
) and SICStus Prolog (in module library(lists)
The second way to achieve what you want (actually closer to what you where asking for) is to actually define a new predicate all_whatever/2
using term expansion. Term expansion is a mechanism to rewrite terms when they are loaded (see e.g. for more details in SWI-Prolog: I am showing here the SWI-Prolog version, which is by defining a clause for the term_expansion/2
predicate. This mechanism works differently in different systems or is altogether missing.
term_expansion(pairwise_listwise(PairPred,ListPred), ExpandedTerm) :-
TerminalCall =.. [ListPred,_,[]],
RecursiveCall =.. [ListPred,Y,[X|Xs]],
SingleCall =.. [PairPred,Y,X],
FinalCall =.. [ListPred,Y,Xs],
ExpandedTerm = [TerminalCall, (RecursiveCall :- (SingleCall, FinalCall))].
In this clause, ExpandedTerm
is a list defining the two clauses we want to define and all the terms in it are built from the predicate names using =..
. One can then define the new predicate as follows:
pairwise_listwise(whatever, all_whatever).
When this code is loaded, that clause will be expanded and replaced by two clauses defining the new predicate all_whatever
. And now one can call for instance all_whatever(Y1,Xs1)
My preference goes to the first approach (conceptually simpler and works across Prolog versions) but I think it is also useful to be aware of the existence of the term expansion mechanism as well.