I know there is now the Context API which should be used for global app state management.
But I am wondering, is there anything wrong (or not optimal) with managing the global state of the app using useState and passing into props like this?
function App() {
const [counterA, setCounterA] = useState(0);
const [counterB, setCounterB] = useState(0);
let masterStates = {
counterA: counterA,
counterB: counterB,
let masterFunctions = {
setCounterA: setCounterA,
setCounterB: setCounterB,
return (
<ChildComponent masterStates={masterStates} masterFunctions={masterFunctions} />
Then in my ChildComponent, I can easily access the state and update it like this:
function ChildComponent(props) {
useEffect(() => {
console.log("This will successfully log when counterA changes: ", props.masterStates.counterA);
}, [props.masterStates.counterA]);
<button onClick={() => props.masterFunctions.setCounterA(a => a + 1)}>
Thanks for all the insightful comments! That really helped clear things up for me.
I was not familiar with this term "prop drilling" but now it makes a lot of sense.
I'm leaving here some useful links for anyone who would like to learn a little more about this:
Edit: I just found this article here where he describes an approach like mine and lays out some of its benefits.