
Cupertino-style pane web component that you can slide to any height you want

I am currently working on a mobile app using the Ionic Framework and Angular. I need a cupertino-style pane that, instead of having specific breakpoints you can slide it to, instead allows you to slide it to any position you want. I tried looking for a pre-existing library providing this functionality, but I could not find one. The closest I found was The third image in the READEME illustrates pretty much what I want, except that again, I want to be able to stop the pane at any height I want, and it doesn't seem to me that that library supports that.

Would anyone know if there is a pre-existing library that provides what I'm looking for? I feel like it would be quite difficult to implement from scratch.



  • Cupertion pane is a good choice. I think you can achieve your goal by using freeMode param. Check it in the documentation.