I sometimes have this problem. But it's always resolved. This time impossible to find a solution. There are many post for the same subject but no resolution in my case. I am trying to get data from my api. It sometimes works(with data without none value) and with the data containing None value, it doesn't work. I think the problem is about the none values. I have this error
Exception Type: JSONDecodeError
Exception Value:
Expecting value: line 1 column 75 (char 74)
Any help is appreciated.
def edges_of_a_network(request, pk):
roadnetwork = RoadNetwork.objects.get(pk=pk)
except RoadNetwork.DoesNotExist:
return Response(status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
edges = Edge.objects.filter(network=roadnetwork)
edges = str(list(edges.values("edge_id", "name",
"length", "speed", "lanes"))).replace("'",'"')
edges = json.loads(edges)
edges = json.dumps(edges, indent=2)
if request.method == 'GET':
return HttpResponse(edges, content_type="application/json")
I finally find the solution to my problem. I add this line
edges = edges.replace('None', "null")
. I replace None values
by null values
def edges_of_a_network(request, pk):
roadnetwork = RoadNetwork.objects.get(pk=pk)
except RoadNetwork.DoesNotExist:
return Response(status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
edges = Edge.objects.filter(network=roadnetwork)
edges = str(list(edges.values("edge_id", "name",
"length", "speed", "lanes"))).replace("'",'"')
edges = edges.replace('None', "null")
edges = json.loads(edges)
edges = json.dumps(edges, indent=2)
if request.method == 'GET':
return HttpResponse(edges, content_type="application/json")