I cannot interact with the date picker (popup) in my Cypress tests.
I tried .find() and .get() on every div class but each time it says
Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: .cdk-overlay-container, but never found it
This is my test code:
cy.get('#signup-step-pers-details').within(() => {
.get('.ng-dropdown-panel-items').contains(user.gender, {matchCase: false}).click()
I tried adding some wait time but that didn't help either.
@KKhan is correct, the Angular Date Time Picker opens in a cdk-overlay-container
at the foot of the document.
More detail on the layout:
<div id="signup-step-pers-details>
<div id="input-dateOfBirth"></div>
<div class="cdk-overlay-container">
Using cy.get('#signup-step-pers-details').within(() => {
restricts commands inside to that section of the DOM, but the owl-date-time-container
is outside of that.
You can use this approach Cypress how to temporarily escape from a cy.within()
cy.get('#signup-step-pers-details').within(() => {
// cy.root() === #signup-step-pers-details
.get('.ng-dropdown-panel-items').contains(user.gender, {matchCase: false}).click()
// shift cy.root() to date-time-picker
cy.document().its('body').find('owl-date-time-container').within(() => {
// back to cy.root() === #signup-step-pers-details
Note I've used .owl-dt-control-period-button
which is correct for the current version of Angular Date Time Picker, but perhaps you have an older version that requires .owl-calendar-year