
Android, RSA8, and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/security/x509/X500Name

I am experiencing the following runtime failure when trying to develop Android applications in IBM RSA 8.0.2.

NoClassDefFoundError: sun/security/x509/X500Name

This occurs when I run my Android app.

I believe this NCDF error is due to RSA8 using the IBM jre and not the Sun version.

However when I specify the Sun jre location in the eclipse.ini file (using the -vm option) RSA does not start.

When I do not specify any jre in the eclipse.ini file RSA fails to start.

When i leave the IBM jre location in the jre, RSA starts fine, however i am unable to force RSA to use the Sun jdk as a runtime environment using the windows preferences options

Does anyone have any other ideas/knowledge of how to...

  1. Use RSA8 to develop Android applications?
  2. specify a jre in the eclipse.ini file other than the IBM-supplied one?


  • I resolved my problem with android development and IBM RSA V8.0.2

    I managed to start RSA with the sun supplied jdk as follows:-

    Edit the eclipse.ini file so that the only entry was the -vm <jdk location>/javaw.exe

    I was able to launch the android hello world example OK

    Hope this helps anyone else attempting to use a non "pure" eclipse IDE such as RSA