I need to select a field from knb1 where kunnr from knb1 is equal to kunnr in likp and assign it to field KART_KLIENT1. For a reason I can't warp my head around, it says that neither table knb1 nor likp have a column kunnr... Which both of them do.
I don't know where to look for a problem, both knb1 and likp are predefined database tables in SAP and kunnr column is there by default.
I am working in SQ02, adding the code to one of the fields.
Thank you for your time.
tlfns TYPE knb1,
END OF ty_knb.
DATA: wa_knb TYPE ty_knb.
INTO wa_knb
FROM knb1
WHERE knb1-kunnr = likp-kunnr.
KART_KLIENT1 = wa_knb-tlfns.
So all of a sudden I stumbled upon a solution. Within the entire query the code for many fields is put inside a few of them and I had to move from one to another... I am not sure why exactly my solution works since I am new to ABAP, but my guess is, that it had to have something to do with the ordering of the fields. I am not certain though, as previously, I was moving the entire code from that field to another one, where the majority of the code is located in order to have all the table declarations in a single place. So it's either an inner thing of SAP I don't know about yet or there was some sort of a relation between different sections of the code that required my code to be written in that exact field with its exact place in the ordering…?