
Accessing non-existent property of module.exports inside circular dependency NodeJS

Im having some issues when using module.exports inside NodeJS, and I've followed multiple guides, and im almost certain Im doing it right. I have to scripts, main.js and event.js. Im trying to share a function from main.js to event.js, but its not working. Here is the code:


function Scan(){
    if(fs.readdirSync('./events/').length === 0){
        console.log(colors.yellow('Events Folder Empty, Skipping Scan'))
    } else {
        var events = fs.readdirSync('./events/').filter(file => file.endsWith('.json'))
                for(const file of events){
                    let rawdata = fs.readFileSync('./events/' + file);
                    let cJSON = JSON.parse(rawdata);
                tevent = events[0]

module.exports = { Scan };


const main = require('../main')


This returns the error:

(node:19292) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'Scan' of module exports inside circular dependency
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

What am I doing wrong?


  • Problem solved, heres what I did differently:

    module.exports = { Scan };

    Is declared before the Scan function is defined, like so:

    module.exports = { Scan };
    function Scan(){

    Then in event.js, I wrote

    const main = require('../main')

    As it is now a module, and can be used with the require() function. Then to execute the funciton in event.js, I write


    To execute it.