
Using a github Personal Access Token with TortoiseSVN

Github is turning off password access next month so I have generated a personal access token (PAT).

I then try to check out a new copy of an existing repo with the URL:

where ghp_blahblahblah is my PAT. I get the following error:

Subversion encountered a serious problem. ... In file 'D:\Development\SVN\Releases\TortoiseSVN-1.14.1\ext\subversion\subversion\libsvn_client\util.c' line 96: assertion failed (svn_uri__is_ancestor(pathrev->repos_root_url, url))

I am running the latest version of TortoiseSVN 1.14.1.

Am I missing a step? Is there another way to make this work without resorting to SSH keys, which I don't want to do?



  • Use the correct URL without putting your username and PAT into the URL - works perfectly.

    PAT is a password from the client side perspective. I have tested TortoiseSVN and the svn.exe command-line client and all of them are capable of using GitHub's personal access tokens for authentication (personal and private repositories). The only difference is that - when prompted for a password - you need to enter your personal access token. If the authentication fails, please make sure that you are entering the credentials correctly:

    Please, make sure that you copy the personal access token correctly (it is possible that it is surrounded with unnecessary whitespaces).