
HTML - Clickthrough Transparent Pixels in PNGs?

While laying out a website, I have a png, with a great deal of transparency that I don't want to be mouse enabled. Is there any way to detect transparent pixels, and ignore the mouseOver/mouseDown? If not, does anyone know a good way to fake it?

Thanks in advance.


  • An image map can be a polygon

    <img src="trees.gif" usemap="#green" border="0">
    <map name="green">
    <area shape="polygon" coords="19,44,45,11,87,37,82,76,49,98" ...

    In addition

    With SVG you can fill a polygon with an image and have that polygon be a link. However SVG is not supported by all of the browsers that are in current use. With you could use SVG to accomplish what you want in a newer fashion.