
Finding the last digits sum with recursion

I'm attempting to create a function that will sum all the digits
and will return the sum of the summarized number.

For Input getNumValue(1589)
The Output will be: 5
Becuase: 1 + 5 + 8 + 9 = 23
And 2 + 3 = 5
So the output will be 5
Because we can't split it into more digits.

I did managed to create a recursion function that summarize the digits:

def getNumValue(number: int):
    if number == 0:
        return 0
    return (number % 10 + getNumValue(int(number / 10)))

But I can't seem to utilize it to my cause.

I don't want to use any strings
And I'm trying to use recursion so far no luck.
I bet this is a known mathematic problem I'm just unfamiliar with.
Any advice?


  • Even shorter:

    def getNumValue(number: int): return ((number-1) % 9) + 1

    The digit sum is always in the same remainder class mod 9 as the original decimal number, this applies recursively, and thus reducing it to one digit just is the remainder under division by 9.

    The shift by 1 just serves the purpose that the remainder class 0 is represented by 9.