
Kendo UI JQuery treeview disable drag/drop inside but allow drag/drop to listbox

Hey all I am trying to disable the drag/drop within the treeview (as in the user wont be able to move any items anywhere inside the treeview). However I am not coming up with a solution for this issue.

I still want the user to be able to drag/drop an item that's inside the treeview over to my listview box as well as drag/drop it back to the treeview box.

So is it possible to disable the drag/drop feature inside the treeview when keeping the drag/drop from there to my listbox?

enter image description here


  • One option is to cancel drop action if you identify that it is being dropped inside the treeview. The functionality will still work for the listbox:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script></head>
      <div id="treeview-left"></div>
      <select id="optional" ></select>
            dragAndDrop: true,
            drop: onDrop,
            dataSource: [
                { id: 1, text: "Furniture", expanded: true, items: [
                { id: 2, text: "Tables & Chairs" },
                { id: 3, text: "Sofas" },
                { id: 4, text: "Occasional Furniture" }
                ] },
                { id: 5, text: "Decor", items: [
                { id: 6, text: "Bed Linen" },
                { id: 7, text: "Curtains & Blinds" },
                { id: 8, text: "Carpets" }
                ] }
            dataTextField: "text",
            dataValueField: "id",
            dataSource: [{ id: 8, text: "Other products" }]
          function onDrop(e){   
            if ($(e.destinationNode).closest('.k-treeview').length) {
              return false;
            var item = e.sender.dataItem(e.sourceNode);         
            var listbox = $('#optional').data('kendoListBox');         
                for(var p=0; p <item.items.length;p++){


    The trick is:

    if ($(e.destinationNode).closest('.k-treeview').length) {
          return false;

    But, the interface still shows the possibility to drop inside the TreeView, that's the only downside.