I am looking to show that a HTMLCollection is a live list and NodeList is static. To do this I store the total number of divs, which is 1, on the page in a variable for each (g for HTML, q for Node). I do this using GetElementBy... and querySelector....respectively.
console.log(q.length) // 1
console.log(g.length) // 1
I then use JS to create a new div and append it to the page. Total divs now 2.
console.log(q.length) // 1
console.log(g.length) // 2
it all works fine in the console however, I cannot get g.length displayed correctly. I receive a TypeError. I dont quite understand how g.length can be null
index.html file with JS
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
function newElement() {
newDiv = document.createElement('div')
newDiv.innerHTML = 'Div 2'
function updateStats() {
document.getElementById('queryA').innerHTML = q;
document.getElementById('getA').innerHTML = g;
document.getElementById('queryAL').innerHTML = q.length;
document.getElementById('getAL').innerHTML = g.length;
<button onClick="newElement();">Add Element</button>
<button onClick="updateStats();">Update Stats</button>
<header id="wrapper">
Div 1
<h3>querySelector Before</h3>
<p>Type:<span id="queryB"></span></p>
<p>Length:<span id="queryBL"></span></p>
<p>Type:<span id="queryA"></span></p>
<p>Length:<span id="queryAL"></span></p>
<h3>getElementByTagName Before</h3>
<p>Type:<span id="getB"></span></p>
<p>Length:<span id="getBL"></span></p>
<p>Type:<span id="getA"></span></p>
<p>Length:<span id="getAl"></span></p>
q = document.querySelectorAll('div')
g = document.getElementsByTagName('div')
document.getElementById('queryB').innerHTML = q;
document.getElementById('queryBL').innerHTML = q.length;
document.getElementById('getB').innerHTML = g;
document.getElementById('getBL').innerHTML = g.length;
I have searched Google and cant find the answer, moving the script to the bottom of the page didnt work.
Line 15 you get incorect id:
Try this: document.getElementById('getAl').innerHTML = g.length;