I have a string in my strings.xml
which is localized for different languages.
The strings are styled with Html tags for each localization.
Using Android TextView
, I was able to show the styled text just fine by reading the string resources.
Considering that Jetpack Compose currently (1.0.0-rc02)
does not support Html tags, I tried using TextView
inside an AndroidView
composable following Official Docs: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/interop/interop-apis#views-in-compose
Example of what I tried:
fun StyledText(text: String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
modifier = modifier,
factory = { context -> TextView(context) },
update = {
it.text = HtmlCompat.fromHtml(html, HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT)
The text in strings.xml
<string name="styled_text">Sample text with <b>bold styling</b> to test</string>
However, using stringResource(id = R.string.styled_text)
provides the text without the Html tags.
Is there a way to show text from string resources with Html styles in Jetpack Compose?
The following two questions are similar, but they do not read the string from resources:
under the hood uses resources.getString
, which discards any styled information.
Since 1.7.0 there's a new method to parse html to AnnotatedString
, AnnotatedString.fromHtml
, here's how you can use it to read styled resource string:
fun annotatedStringResource(
@StringRes id: Int,
): AnnotatedString {
val text = LocalContext.current.resources.getText(id)
val html = if (text is Spanned) {
} else {
return AnnotatedString.fromHtml(html)
fun annotatedStringResource(
@StringRes id: Int,
vararg formatArgs: Any,
): AnnotatedString {
val text = LocalContext.current.resources.getText(id)
val html = if (text is Spanned) {
} else {
val encodedArgs = formatArgs.map { if (it is String) it.htmlEncode() else it }.toTypedArray()
return AnnotatedString.fromHtml(html.format(*encodedArgs))
Note that it also has linkStyles
and linkInteractionListener
parameters that you may want to use to customize the result
Alternatively, you can use TextView
that will handle it for you
fun textResource(@StringRes id: Int): CharSequence =
And use it like this:
StyledText(textResource(id = R.string.foo))
fun StyledText(text: CharSequence, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
modifier = modifier,
factory = { context -> TextView(context) },
update = {
it.text = text