I'm searching for text in a pdf and extracting a quad and adding a polygon_annot around it. But I would like to scale the polygon_annot. How can I do that?
Below is my code:
for inst in text_instances:
inst = inst.transform(fitz.Matrix(2, 2))
# re-ordering the points in list counter-clockwise
inst[2], inst[3] = inst[3], inst[2]
highlight = page.add_polygon_annot(inst)
i'm currently scaling it with inst.transform(fitz.Matrix(2, 2)), but this is to simply multiply the values. How do I scale the values frfom the center of the quad?
You can use morph
to scale the quad.
Reference to documentation: https://pymupdf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quad.html#Quad.morph
Below is the function that I'm using to scale the morph by its center:
def getPolygon(quad, scale=1):
[sumX, sumY] = [0, 0]
for point in quad:
sumX += point[0]
sumY += point[1]
avgX = sumX/4
avgY = sumY/4
# Scale the rectange using Quad.morph(): https://pymupdf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quad.html#Quad.morph
quad= quad.morph(fitz.Point(avgX, avgY), fitz.Matrix(scale, scale))
return quad