
how to add seconds in picked time

i am using showTimePicker widget to pick time, when i select the time , it prints it like this 7:10 PM but i want to add seconds too, it should be like 7:10:00 PM seconds can be default 00.

here is my code where i am creating this

        decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: timein,hintText: "Time in",icon: Icon(Icons.timer)),
        controller:timeinController ,
        onTap: () async {
                  TimeOfDay pickedTime =  await showTimePicker(
                          initialTime: TimeOfDay.now(),
                          context: context,
        if(pickedTime != null ){
                      print(pickedTime.format(context));   //output 7:10 PM
                      setState(() {
                        timeinController.text = pickedTime.format(context);  //set the value of text field. 
                      print("Time is not selected");

here showtimepicker looks like

enter image description here

please help how to do this.


  • TimeOfDay does not include seconds but DateTime provides it so you can get the second from DateTime and append it to TimeOfDay like below.

                  decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: 'Time in',hintText: "Time in",icon: Icon(Icons.timer)),
                  // controller: timeinController ,
                  onTap: () async {
                    TimeOfDay? pickedTime =  await showTimePicker(
                      initialTime: TimeOfDay.now(),
                      context: context,
                    if(pickedTime != null ){
                      DateTime date = DateTime.now();
                      String second = date.second.toString().padLeft(2, '0');
                      List timeSplit = pickedTime.format(context).split(' ');
                      String formattedTime = timeSplit[0];
                      String time = '$formattedTime:$second';
                      String type = '';
                      if(timeSplit.length > 1) {
                        type = timeSplit[1];
                        time = '$time $type';
                      print(time); //output 7:10:00 PM
                      setState(() {
                        timeinController.text = pickedTime.format(context);  //set the value of text field.
                      print("Time is not selected");