i am using showTimePicker
widget to pick time, when i select the time , it prints it like this 7:10 PM
but i want to add seconds too, it should be like 7:10:00 PM
seconds can be default 00
here is my code where i am creating this
decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: timein,hintText: "Time in",icon: Icon(Icons.timer)),
controller:timeinController ,
onTap: () async {
TimeOfDay pickedTime = await showTimePicker(
initialTime: TimeOfDay.now(),
context: context,
if(pickedTime != null ){
print(pickedTime.format(context)); //output 7:10 PM
setState(() {
timeinController.text = pickedTime.format(context); //set the value of text field.
print("Time is not selected");
here showtimepicker looks like
please help how to do this.
does not include seconds but DateTime provides it so you can get the second from DateTime and append it to TimeOfDay like below.
decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: 'Time in',hintText: "Time in",icon: Icon(Icons.timer)),
// controller: timeinController ,
onTap: () async {
TimeOfDay? pickedTime = await showTimePicker(
initialTime: TimeOfDay.now(),
context: context,
if(pickedTime != null ){
DateTime date = DateTime.now();
String second = date.second.toString().padLeft(2, '0');
List timeSplit = pickedTime.format(context).split(' ');
String formattedTime = timeSplit[0];
String time = '$formattedTime:$second';
String type = '';
if(timeSplit.length > 1) {
type = timeSplit[1];
time = '$time $type';
print(time); //output 7:10:00 PM
setState(() {
timeinController.text = pickedTime.format(context); //set the value of text field.
print("Time is not selected");