What do you think about using private static methods?
Personally, I prefer using a static private method to a non-static one as long as it does not require access to any instance fields.
But I heard that this practice violates OOP principles.
Edit: I am wondering from a style perspective, not performance.
A private static
method by itself does not violate OOP per se, but when you have a lot of these methods on a class that don't need (and cannot*) access instance fields, you are not programming in an OO way, because "object" implies state + operations on that state defined together. Why are you putting these methods on that class, if they don't need any state?
(*) = In principle, due to the class level visibility in Java, a static method on a class has access to instance fields of an object of that class, for example:
class Test
int field = 123;
private static void accessInstance(Test test)
You need to pass in the reference to an instance (this
pointer) yourself of course, but then you are essentially mimicking instance methods. Just mentioning this for completeness.