
Accessing duplicate feed tags using feedparser

I'm trying to parse this feed:

The channel section has two entries for podcast:person

<podcast:person role="host" img="" href="">Andy Lehman</podcast:person>
<podcast:person role="host" img="" href="" >Joel DeMott</podcast:person>

When parsed, feedparser only brings in one name

> import feedparser
> d = feedparser.parse('')
> d.feed['podcast_person']
> {'role': 'host', 'img': '', 'href': ''}

What would I change so it would instead show a list for podcast_person so I could loop through each one?


  • Idea #1:

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import requests
    r = requests.get("").content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r, 'html.parser')


    [<podcast:person href="" img="" role="host">Andy Lehman</podcast:person>,
     <podcast:person href="" img="" role="host">Joel DeMott</podcast:person>,
     <podcast:person href="" img="" role="guest">Cory Martin</podcast:person>,
     <podcast:person href="" img="" role="guest">Julie Lehman</podcast:person>]

    Idea #2:

    import feedparser

    d = feedparser.parse('')
    hosts = d.entries[1]['authors'][1]['name'].split(", ")
    print("The hosts of this Podcast are {} and {}.".format(hosts[0], hosts[1]))


    The hosts of this Podcast are Joel DeMott and Andy Lehman.