I had images that were in tiles of the following format:
Each number represents a single tile. I used the following script (with the help of stackoverflow) and stitched the images together. The following is the script that I used to stitch the images together:
from PIL import Image
import os
path_to_file ='tiff-files'
def stich_tile(path_to_file, xx , yy):
images = []
for i in os.listdir(path_to_file):
if len(images) >= xx*yy:
raise ValueError('not enough images in path_to_file !!!!!!!!!!!')
sq_x = xx
sq_y = yy
img_x = (Image.open(path_to_file+'/'+images[0]).size[0])
img_y = (Image.open(path_to_file+'/'+images[0]).size[1])
img_mode = (Image.open(path_to_file+'/'+images[0]).mode)
new_image = Image.new(img_mode, (img_x*sq_x, img_y*sq_y))
x = 0
y = 0
cnt = 0
for i in images:
with Image.open(path_to_file+'/'+i) as img:
new_image.paste(img, (x,y))
cnt += 1
x += img_x
if cnt == sq_x:
x = 0
y += img_y
cnt = 0
return new_image
stich_tile(path_to_file, 3, 5).save('filename.tiff')
The output saved image looks like the following:
I would like to remove the black image that was created. How do I do that?
here modified script that removes black border from bottom and right of the stitched images... as long as the problem was within the starting images:
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import os
# path_to_file ='tiff-files'
# path_to_file ='tiff-files2'
# path_to_file ='tiff-files3'
# path_to_file ='tiff-files5'
# path_to_file ='tiff-files5'
path_to_file ='tiff-files6'
def stich_tile(path_to_file, xx , yy):
images = []
for i in os.listdir(path_to_file):
images.sort() # sort images alphabetically
# images.sort(key = lambda x: int(x.strip('.tiff').split('-')[1])) ## ---> per path_to_file ='tiff-files3'
images = images[:xx*yy] #-----> riduce lista immagini al numero richiesto
print('lenght list of images', len(images), 'x and y requested', xx*yy)
if len(images) >= xx*yy:
# raise ValueError('not enough images in path_to_file !!!!!!!!!!!')
raise ValueError('EXCEPTION not enough images in path_to_file !!!!!!!!!!!', xx*yy,'images needed : ', len(images),'images present !!!')
sq_x = xx
sq_y = yy
img_x = (Image.open(path_to_file+'/'+images[0]).size[0])
img_y = (Image.open(path_to_file+'/'+images[0]).size[1])
img_mode = (Image.open(path_to_file+'/'+images[0]).mode)
print('images[0] size : ', img_x, img_y, img_x*sq_x, img_y*sq_y)
new_image = Image.new(img_mode, (img_x*sq_x, img_y*sq_y))
print('new_image : size :', new_image.size)
x = 0
y = 0
cnt = 0
cnt_cycle = 0
for i in images:
with Image.open(path_to_file+'/'+i) as img:
new_image.paste(img, (x,y))
cnt += 1
cnt_cycle += 1
x += img_x
if cnt == sq_x:
x = 0
y += img_y
cnt = 0
print('count of for i in images cycles', cnt_cycle)
new_image = np.array(new_image)
print(new_image.shape, np.min(new_image), np.max(new_image))
for ar_y in range(new_image.shape[0]-1,0,-1):
res = np.all(new_image[ar_y,:] == (0,0,0))
if res:
new_image = new_image[0:(ar_y),:]
# print('black', ar_y)
print('break at :', ar_y ,' row')
print(new_image.shape, np.min(new_image), np.max(new_image))
print(new_image.shape, np.min(new_image), np.max(new_image))
for ar_x in range(new_image.shape[1]-1,0,-1):
res = np.all(new_image[:,ar_x] == (0,0,0))
if res:
new_image = new_image[:,0:(ar_x)]
# print('black', ar_x)
print('break at :', ar_x ,' column')
print(new_image.shape, np.min(new_image), np.max(new_image))
new_image = Image.fromarray(new_image)
return new_image
try :
pippo = stich_tile(path_to_file, 3,3)
# pippo.save('RGB_black_tiff_3X.tiff')
except ValueError as err:
print('stopped', err.args)
could use same approach to remove black border from top/left.
Could be that pillow library has an in built option/function/whatever its called to do the same....
its kind of late here, tested code with 3X3 RGB tiff images with black borders.. let me know if it works