
elixir: order a list of numbers without built-in sort function

If I have a list that varies in length each time and I want to sort it from lowest to highest, how would I do that?

If I have: [-5, -23, 5, 0, 23, 0.7, -6, 23, 67]

I want: [-23, -6, -5, 0, 0.7, 5, 23, 23, 67]

I tried to use a for loop to iterate the list and create a new list to receive the numbers but doesn't look like it's gonna work. maybe i can use Enum function instead, but i'm really without ideas on this one.


  • If you cannot use Enum.sort, you have to implement your own sorting algorithm.

    Elixir is an immutable language, so popular algorithms that require in-place operations like Quicksort do not work well in Elixir. Here is an implementation of Mergesort:

    defmodule Example do
      def merge_sort([]), do: []
      def merge_sort([_] = list), do: list
      def merge_sort(list) when is_list(list) do
        len = length(list)
        {a, b} = Enum.split(list, div(len, 2))
        a = merge_sort(a)
        b = merge_sort(b)
        merge(a, b, [])
      defp merge([], b, acc), do: Enum.reverse(acc) ++ b
      defp merge(a, [], acc), do: Enum.reverse(acc) ++ a
      defp merge([a_head | a_tail] = a, [b_head | b_tail] = b, acc) do
        if a_head <= b_head do
          merge(a_tail, b, [a_head | acc])
          merge(a, b_tail, [b_head | acc])


    iex> Example.merge_sort([-5, -23, 5, 0, 23, 0.7, -6, 23, 67])
    [-23, -6, -5, 0, 0.7, 5, 23, 23, 67]

    Just for fun, here is reverse and split, if you don't want to use Enum at all:

    defp reverse(list), do: reverse(list, [])
    defp reverse([], acc), do: acc
    defp reverse([h | t], acc), do: reverse(t, [h | acc])
    defp split(list, n), do: split(list, [], n)
    defp split(a, b, 0), do: {reverse(b), a}
    defp split([h | a], b, n), do: split(a, [h | b], n - 1)

    We can even simplify {reverse(b), a}, to {b, a} in this case, because there's no need to preserve the item order when splitting, since the result gets sorted anyway.