I have a table "Leads" with the following structure :
# == Schema Information
# Table name: leads
# id :integer not null, primary key
# data :jsonb not null
# state :string
# priority :string
# lead_no :string
# user_id :integer
# location_place_id :string
# uuid :string
# agent_id :integer
# location_coordinates :geography point, 4326
# location :jsonb not null
# user_details :jsonb not null
# inventory_id :integer
# source_details :jsonb not null
# connect_details :jsonb not null
# referral_details :jsonb not null
# process_details :jsonb not null
# tags :jsonb not null
# created_at :datetime
# updated_at :datetime
# name :string
The user_details jsonb column stores data in the form- {name : "John Doe", country : "IN", phone_no : "123456789"}. I want to query my database columns using ILIKE for the name key as :
Lead.where("user_details->>name ILIKE ?","john%")
To achieve this, I created a migration as shown:
class AddIndexUserNameOnLeads < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def up
execute("CREATE INDEX leads_user_details_name_idx ON leads USING gin((user_details->>'name') gin_trgm_ops)")
def down
execute("DROP INDEX leads_user_details_name_idx")
This creates the necessary index. I have already enabled the pg_trgm extension in a previous migration. My structure.sql looks like :
Also, the corresponding schema.rb adds the following line for leads table -
t.index "((user_details ->> 'name'::text)) gin_trgm_ops", name: "leads_user_details_name_idx", using: :gin
However, when I try to query my database, it does a sequential scan.
On the other hand,if I create a gin index for the entire user_details column and then query using "@> {name: "john"}.to_json" it uses index for scan
My Rails version is 5.2.0 and PostgreSQL version is 12.5. How can I use ILIKE queries for this use case? Where am I going wrong? I'll be happy to provide more details if necessary.
An alternative is to tell your index to already sort the values using either upper or lower case, so that you can simply use LIKE
in your queries.
CREATE INDEX leads_user_details_name_idx ON leads
USING gin(lower(user_details->>'name') gin_trgm_ops);
When querying this jsonb key you have to use the same function. Doing so the query planer will find your partial index:
WHERE lower(user_details->>'name') ~~ '%doe%';
Demo: db<>fiddle