
MySQL select multiple id at the same time with optional id with php

I would like to complicate this request by changing the scenario. Here is the link to the original request. Here is the link to the original request.

I have the following MySQL table called skills.

id idUser idSkill
1 4 1
2 8 4
3 8 9
4 13 9
5 18 2
6 22 1
7 27 2
8 32 4
9 11 2
10 32 9
10 32 7

I need to select, for example, all idUsers that have idSkill 4 and 9 at the same time (mandatory skills).

But I would like to have the possibility to search by optional idSkills (if any).

Mandatory skills are 9 and 4

Optional skill is 7

The result would be idUser 32.

I thought of this query:

SELECT id, idUser, idSkill FROM skills WHERE idSkill IN (9,4,7) GROUP BY idUser HAVING (idSkill IN (9,4))

But it clearly does not work.

Many thanks


  • You can do it with aggregation and RANK() window function.

    This query:

    SELECT idUser
    FROM skills 
    WHERE idSkill IN (9, 4, 7) 
    GROUP BY idUser 
    HAVING SUM(idSkill IN (9, 4)) = 2 -- for the 2 mandatory skills

    returns all the users with at least the 2 mandatory skills 9 and 4.

    If you use an ORDER BY clause with LIMIT like this:

    SELECT idUser
    FROM skills 
    WHERE idSkill IN (9, 4, 7) 
    GROUP BY idUser 
    HAVING SUM(idSkill IN (9, 4)) = 2 -- for the 2 mandatory skills
    LIMIT 1

    you will get from all the users with at least the 2 mandatory skills 9 and 4, only 1 user: the one with the largest number of skills (mandatory and optional).

    If you want ties returned, use RANK() window function:

    SELECT idUser
    FROM (
      FROM skills 
      WHERE idSkill IN (9, 4, 7) 
      GROUP BY idUser 
      HAVING SUM(idSkill IN (9, 4)) = 2 -- for the 2 mandatory skills
    ) t
    WHERE rnk = 1

    See the demo.