
can I get the longitude and latitude of the location if the message sent is a location share message in telegram with TELETHON

I am scraping telegram and I could get every message instance with client.iter_messages in a chat but I want to get the latitude and longitude of the location if the message instance is a location share message.

for message in client.iter_messages('John'):
     print(message.text)   #prints message
     ------------------    #I want the latitude and longitude of the location if the message is a location share message and not a text message

A little help would be appreciated, Thank You.


  • First act only when the message is a location share message (message.geo), else no need

    location = message.geo   #returns a GeoPoint object if the message is a location share message else returns None
    if location is not None:
         longitude = location.long
         latitude =
         print(longitude, latitude)