I need to export a bunch of geography objects to kml, and with that include a 3rd element, altitude. Luckily it can be hard coded as 0.
This tutorial implies the coordinates need to be in the format of lat,long,alt
How do I extract the coordinate list from my geography objects?
Is it possible to include injecting the altitude?
The part I was really looking for was .Lat and .Long. They only work on POINT's, not POLYGON's, so you have to break that down the @input into points
This returns a varchar(MAX) string like long,lat,altcr/lf
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[uf_ConvertGeographyToCoordinates]
@input geography
RETURNS nvarchar(MAX)
-- Declare the return variable here
DECLARE @result nvarchar(max) = '' -- Out needs to be not null
DECLARE @long nvarchar(25)
DECLARE @lat nvarchar(25)
DECLARE @alt nvarchar(25)
DECLARE @altitude nvarchar(1) = '0'
DECLARE @i int = 1
DECLARE @crlf nvarchar(2) = char(13) + char(10)
WHILE @i <@input.STNumPoints()
SET @long = ISNULL(LTRIM(STR(@input.STPointN(@i).Long, 25, 8)), 'null_long')
SET @lat = ISNULL(LTRIM(STR(@input.STPointN(@i).Lat, 25, 8)), 'null_lat')
SET @alt = ISNULL(@altitude, 'null_alt')
SET @result = @result + @long + ',' + @lat + ',' + @alt + @crlf
SET @i = @i + 1;
return @result