In a Stocks spreadsheet, I now need to get the AUDUSD currency rate for a particular date, so that I can assess the exchange rate gain/loss as well as stock gain/loss.
To get the specific date, I used:
=QUERY( GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:AUDUSD", "price", DATE(2021,7,1), DATE(2021,7,2), "DAILY"), "SELECT Col2" )
However, this returns the column header "Close" as well as the value, so I tried using OFFSET in the QUERY statement:
=QUERY( GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:AUDUSD", "price", DATE(2021,7,1), DATE(2021,7,2), "DAILY"), "SELECT Col2 OFFSET 1" )
Oddly, this returned just the header, without the value. I haven't been able to find the Google documentation for QUERY(), so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Any suggestions, or pointers to the docs, would be most appreciated.
Using label
in Query we can rename the header of data, here we rename with blank
hence it returns only the value of price from col2
=QUERY(GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:AUDUSD", "price", DATE(2021,7,1), DATE(2021,7,2), "DAILY"),"select Col2 label Col2''")