I'm trying to add (+) icon to the one of the header columns in v-datatable. The code below does not add any icon. Actually, creating template slot for header does not have any effect on datatable.
What I try,
<template v-slot:top>
<v-toolbar flat color="white">
<template slot="headers" slot-scope="props">
v-for="header in props.headers"
<v-icon small >plus-circle-outline</v-icon>
{{ header.text }}
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
headers: [
{ text: 'NameSurname', value: 'name', align: 'left' ,width: "25%" },
{ text: 'ID', value: 'PersonelIdNumber' },
{ text: 'Phone-1', value: 'Cellular1' },
{ text: 'Phone-2', value: 'Cellular2' },
{ text: 'Work Phone', value: 'WorkPhone' },
{ text: 'InterPhone', value: 'Interphone' },
{ text: 'Email', value: 'Email' },
//{ text: '+', value: 'action', sortable: false, align: 'right'}
I have edited the code according to the comments. The problem solved.
<template v-slot:header.Actions="{ header }">
<v-icon small>plus-circle-outline</v-icon>{{ header.text }}
Since you only wish to add the icon to one specific column, I would suggest header.columnName.
Your slot would look like this:
<template v-slot:header.name="{ header }">
<v-icon small>plus-circle-outline</v-icon>{{ header.text }}
If the column name is "Cellular1", the code will be <template v-slot:header.Cellular1="{ header }">
Please make sure you have the icon set included. Otherwise, no HTML will be rendered for v-icon
. You can test it with default mdi icons, for example mdi-minus