I've configured a custom event on Google Tag Manager to send data about my product to Google Analytics using "datalayer", but when I send hit the event it's label is shown as [object Object] into analytics reports.
How do I get all properties of the product there?
Example of data that I'm pushing:
'event': 'test',
'action': 'add',
'product': {
'id': 32,
'name': 'Product 1',
'price': 99.99
You can as eventlabel not send an object in a label because label is type string. Lets make a test
var myProducts = {productid:1,productname:"name"}; //your object in datLayer
myProducts.toString(); //which probably analytics does
Output will be [object Object]
Thats means to have to create a string from this object
you can make the object to string like '{productid:1,productname:"name"}' output in analytics will probably be {productid:1,productname:"name"}
you can change the form and write it as string "productid = 1, productname = name" //34 byte than it will displayed as productid = 1, productname = name
Max Length for Event Label = 500 Bytes https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/field-reference#eventAction
you can check stackoverflow how to check the bytes in javascript from string String length in bytes in JavaScript
Recommended Annother thing google has enhanced ecommerce https://developers.google.com/tag-manager/enhanced-ecommerce