I've created a Groovy script based Live Template for DataGrip
, but it always throws a startup error but it works on online groove executor:
def result = '';
def i=1;
_1.split().eachWithIndex { item, index ->
def ans = '';
if (_2=='id' && index==0) {
} else if (_2=='uuid' && index==0) {
ans = 'gen_random_uuid()';
} else {
ans = '$'+i;
if (index.next() != _1.split().size()) {
ans= ans + ','
result = result + ans
return result;
Here is the error:
startup failed:
Script1.groovy: 1: expecting '}', found 'if' @ line 1, column 267.
'$' + i;
} if (index.
1 error
Solution is to put a semicolon after each if closes.