With the crayon package, one can create colored strings:
dat <- data.frame(X=c(yellow("foobar"), green("baz")), Y = cyan("qux"))
Here is the encoded dat
> dat
1 \033[33mfoobar\033[39m \033[36mqux\033[39m
2 \033[32mbaz\033[39m \033[36mqux\033[39m
With write.table
, one can get the table with the colors:
But the alignment is lost. How to get the colored dataframe with a nice alignment?
The colorDF package allows to set colors in a dataframe, but does not allow to do what I want. What I want is to be able to color one word say in red at every occurrence of this word in a column. The df_search
function of colorDF is close to what I want, but it colors the entire cells where the pattern is found, I want to color one word only.
For example, in this dataframe:
# file line code
# 1 folder/f.R 1 f <- function(x){
# 2 folder/subfolder/g.R 1 g <- function(y){
# 3 folder/subfolder/subsubfolder/h.R 1 h <- function(z){
I want the word function
in the code
column to be red.
You could use a tibble
instead of a data.frame
as it allows to print vectors nicely, see vignette("pillar", package = "vctrs")
In particular :
You can get basic control over how a vector is printed in a tibble by providing a format() method
To answer your question, you could create a function_red
class extending character
, see vignette("s3-vector", package = "vctrs")
data <- read.table(text="file line code
'folder/f.R' 1 'f <- function(x){'
'folder/subfolder/g.R' 1 'g <- function(y){'
'folder/subfolder/subsubfolder/h.R' 1 'h <- function(z){'
function_red <- function(x = character()) {
vec_assert(x, character())
new_vctr(x, class = "vctrs_function_red")
format.vctrs_function_red <- function(x,...) {
data$code <- function_red(data$code)