
Failed to connect PostgreSQL in Kubernetes

I am using Kubernetes. I have two pods.

In one pod, it is running a server. Here is the part of codes trying to connect PostgreSQL service in another pod.

import (

databaseURL := "postgres://"
pg, err := pgxpool.Connect(context.Background(), databaseURL)
if err != nil {
    return nil

Currently, above code gives the error

{"level":"error","error":"failed to connect to user=admin database=my_db: dial error (dial tcp connect: connection refused)","time":1627849943,"message":"conn.Close"}

However, after I ssh into the server pod, I can successfully connect the PostgreSQL pod by psql.

/usr/src/app # psql --port=40072 --dbname=my_db --username=admin --password
psql (13.3)
Type "help" for help.


I tried to restart my server pod to make sure it runs after PostgreSQL database is ready, and still got same error.

Any suggestion for further debugging would be helpful. Thanks!


I am actually using Linkerd. Might be related with

I tried to change the PostgreSQL to default port 5432, but still have issue. Will update if find the solution.


  • After some experiments, I can confirm my issue is not related with Linkerd.

    I think my PostgreSQL containerPort/targetPort is still using the default 5432. And it exposed by ClusterIP inside of the network by port 40072, which is why I don't need mark the port as opaque in Linkerd.

    It turns out that after adding os.Exit(1),

    pg, err := pgxpool.Connect(context.Background(), databaseURL)
    if err != nil {
        os.Exit(1) // <- this helps

    my Kubernetes will help restart the server pod when it fails initially to wait the PostgreSQL is ready.

    After a few times restarts, the server pod can connect PostgreSQL well now.

    I think if I manually restarts more times early, it might help too. But definitely not reliable like this way letting Kubernetes to help restart.