def collatzChainLength(n:Int):Int={
def collatz(n:Int,acc:Int):Int=
if(n==1) acc+1
else if (n%2==0) collatz(n/2,acc+1)
else collatz(3*n+1,acc+1)
I am getting almost instant result for 100000 iterations but after that it is taking infinity
println( (1 to 100000).map(x=>
if(y._2>m._2) y else m}))
println( (100001 to 200000).map(x=>
if(y._2>m._2) y else m}))
You could better do the tail recursion reduction on even, as the odd case gives an even. (negating the if)
else collatz((3*n + 1)/2, acc +2)
But the actual solution is to have one single call at the end.
if (n == 1) acc + 1
else collatz(n & 1 == 0? n/2 : 3*n + 1, acc + 1)
Also use Long when reaching a third of 231.