
convert pgn database to pandas dataframe


Using chess.pgn to convert a Chess database into a dataframe, to read the nth game from the database do I need to read all the previous ones first? I can't jump directly to the game n? If I want to distribute the processing in a database with 10^8 games, I can't start reading in the 9e7th game?

import pandas as pd
import chess.pgn
from datetime import datetime as dt
import os
import glob

nome_arquivo = "Analises_01.pgn"
inicio = 0
numero_jogos = 1.47e8

arquivo = open(nome_arquivo, encoding="utf8")

ratings = []
for j in range(numero_jogos):
    first_game = chess.pgn.read_game(arquivo)
    if j >= inicio:
            Brancas = int(first_game.headers["WhiteElo"])
            Pretas = int(first_game.headers["BlackElo"])
            ratings.append([Brancas, Pretas])


  • I hope this code can help you. I didn't use Pandas or a data frame, sorry. It will just make a list to indexing all the pgn games. So, game_index[n] will return the string of the game number n+1.

    PGN = open('your_pgn_path_here.pgn')
    text_PGN =
    game_index = []
    actual_game = ''
    for string in text_PGN :
        if string == '\n' :
            if actual_game[-2] == '\n' and actual_game[-1] == '\n' :
                actual_game += string
                actual_game = ''
            else :
                actual_game += string
        else :
            actual_game += string