I'm trying to call a function which is implemented in C++ to call in a JS function, which gets evaluated with the QT QJSEngine.
So far I have tried this
class Person : public QObject {
Q_INVOKABLE cppFunction(int a);
My function evuation looks like this
QJSValue formulaFunction = jsEngine->evaluate("(function(" + functionArgList.join(",") + "){ " + formula + "})");
In formula I have a call to cppFunction and functionArgList provides the arguments, these work fine, I have checked them. So, but somehow it doesn't get called, I don't get an error too. Am I missing something or should it work this way?
So, after some research I got it running.
class MyObject : public QObject{
Q_INVOKABLE MyObject() {}
Q_INVOKABLE bool hasChannel(int id);
QJSEngine engine;
QJSValue injectedObject;
injectedObject= engine.newQMetaObject(&MyObject::staticMetaObject);
engine.globalObject().setProperty("MyObject", injectedObject);
So, here I'm creating a new class which is inheriting from QObject. The class has two methods, every method I want to invoke in the QJSEngine has to provide the Q_INVOKABLE Label in front of the method declaration.
An example JS code run by the engine would look like this
let myObject = new MyObject();
I don't know if the injected prefix is appropriate, but I couldn't think of a better one