If I create a Menu in SwiftUI (iOS), I cannot set the color of the Buttons inside, e.g.:
Menu("Actions") {
Button(action: { }) {
Label("Whatever", systemImage: "pencil")
.background(Color.red) // does not work
.background(Color.red) // does not work either
.buttonStyle(RedButtonStyle()) // does not work either
struct RedButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
If instead of Label
, I use Text
, or Image
(I am aware of this), it doesn't work either.
Is there any way to do it?
P.S.: there is another related SO question, but it is very generic and wider in scope.
This is now possible in iOS 15 by setting a Button
's role. Documentation
Menu("Actions") {
Button(role: .destructive, action: { }) {
Label("Whatever", systemImage: "pencil")