I'm currently developing an iOS SDK using Cocoapods to manage deployment and Jazzy to generate documentation. I recently added a dependency to Google ads v8 in a subspec, and another dependency to Google ads v7 in another subspec, like this:
s.subspec 'Admob' do |admob|
admob.source_files = 'MyLib/Classes/admob/**/*.{swift,h,m}'
admob.dependency 'MyLib/Core'
admob.dependency 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', '~> 8.0'
admob.xcconfig = { 'OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS' => '$(inherited) -D SDK_ADMOB' }
s.subspec 'Admob7' do |admob|
admob.source_files = 'MyLib/Classes/admob7/**/*.{swift,h,m}'
admob.dependency 'MyLib/Core'
admob.dependency 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', '~> 7.0'
admob.xcconfig = { 'OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS' => '$(inherited) -D SDK_ADMOB' }
admob.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'arm64' }
admob.user_target_xcconfig = { 'EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'arm64' }
Everything is working fine, except when I want to generate doc with Jazzy. Here is my conf:
documentation: "*.md"
xcodebuild_arguments: -scheme,Tests
module: MyLib
sdk: iphone
source_directory: MyLib
podspec: MyLib.podspec
theme: fullwidth
readme: USERGUIDE.md
when I run bundle exec jazzy
I have a conflict because it wants tu use all my subspecs at the same time:
Using config file /Users/***/***/.jazzy.yaml
Analyzing dependencies
bundler: failed to load command: jazzy (/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin/jazzy)
Pod::Informative: [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK":
In Podfile:
MyLib/Admob (from `/Users/***/***`) was resolved to 2.8.0, which depends on
Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK (~> 8.0)
MyLib/Admob7 (from `/Users/***/***`) was resolved to 2.8.0, which depends on
Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK (~> 7.0)
Can somebody tell me if it's possible to exclude one or several subspecs from my doc generation?
Ok, it appears that there are no options in Jazzy to overcome this issue. I ended up writing this script:
### Removing admob7 subspec before generating doc is necessary.
# add a new line to the podspec file to remove it after awk treatment
echo "" >> MyLib.podspec
# create the jazzy podspec
awk '!/Admob7/' RS=s.subspec ORS=s.subspec MyLib.podspec > MyLib.jazzy.podspec
# clean the last line which contains an awk artifact
sed -i '' -e '$ d' MyLib.jazzy.podspec
# remove the last line we added before
sed -i '' -e '$ d' MyLib.podspec
bundle exec jazzy
And changed the podspec in the jazzy yml config file
documentation: "*.md"
xcodebuild_arguments: -scheme,Tests
module: MyLib
sdk: iphone
source_directory: MyLib
podspec: MyLib.jazzy.podspec
theme: fullwidth
readme: USERGUIDE.md