
plot3d - make the perspective of front and back planes equal

I am migrating from gnuplot to R plotting.

In gnuplot when a 3d is rotated the front and back of the view line up, making the appearance of 2d plot.

In plot3d() the back plane appears narrower than the front plane of the view. So , it appears like there is a distance view (tunnel vision).

R plot3d showing narrowing of view:

R plot3d showing narrowing of view

gnuplot showing a 3d rotated so the front and back are one:

gnuplot showing a 3d rotated so the front and back are one

In my plot3d() the xyz axis are all set to 30 - a cube.

The question becomes: does plot3d() have way to not have a narrowing of the perspective ?

If the answer is 'no' - OK.

If the answer is 'yes' - just point me to a link or the documentation.


  • I suspect you are looking for an isometric perspective; try par3d(FOV=0). From ?par3d:

    ‘FOV’ real. The field of view, from 0 to 179 degrees. This controls the degree of parallax in the perspective view. Isometric perspective corresponds to ‘FOV = 0’.